soft structures

Exhibition Dates:
July 12th, 2024 to August 29th, 2024
Location: Chicago Artists Coalition, 2130 W. Fulton St., Chicago, IL 60612
Exhibition Link ->
Exhibition Document -> Link

soft structures is an installation of architectural points that are crafted alongside meditations of the lancet arch, a spear-like sacral form. The works selected create a passage ‘to and through’ shadows, obscure edges, woven fibers, repetition and interactive spiritual portals, pointing to the juxtaposed intimacy of the grande acute tipped sites. The point of entry for soft structures is an acknowledgment of the exhibition’s historical references to the lancet arch, this work is a meticulously hand knotted fishing net formed in an archway extruded from the wall. This moment is an invitation and interactive space for viewers to stand, sit and peer within. 

Various historical references for this exhibition include: a photograph from 1978 in the book Down to Earth of a prayer hall that is the shape of a 50 foot high lancet arch in Djenné, Mali taken by Samir El Sadi; The Shape of Things by Carrie Mae Weems photographing portals and towers in Djenné, Mali during her first trip to Africa from 1990-1993; ebere’s digital maps and photo collection of Chicago’s architectural sites utilizing the lancet pointed arch form in it’s facade and decorative elements. 

additional exhibition photopgraphy to come ~

additional resources & references:

  1. The Shape of Things from the "Africa" series, 1993, Carrie Mae Weems
  2. Wiki - “A 13th century lancet arch. An illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archaeology, 1883”
  3. Down to Earth: Adobe Architecture, An Old Idea, a New Future, Lancet arch image, Samir El Sadi
  4. Daybreak in Udi, 1949
  5. Ukpuru Tumblr Archive, 1905 / 1930’s
  6. Imogen Cunningham. © 2020 Imogen Cunningham Trust. Artwork: © Estate of Ruth Asawa, Courtesy David Zwirner

Opening Reception
Friday - July 12, 2024 from 5-8pm
Photo Credit: Paula Volpato

Artist Talk and Walkthrough with Ionit Behar

Time: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 6 - 8 PM CT
Description: Join us as Ionit Behar, curator at Depaul Art Museum, moderates an artist talk by currently exhibiting BOLT artist-in-residence ebere agwuncha on their solo show soft structures.
Photo Credit: CAC

Woven Vessel Workshop
Saturday, August 17th 2024 from 12 -2pm CT
Photo Credit: lyric newbern

lancet arch map 
this work shown in soft structures is a collection of sites in chicago that have the lancet arch form. along ebere’s commute in the city they would collect images and sites of lancet arches and typically these include windows, doorways, passages, and adornments. 

take a look at the map of sites here ->